Friday, May 6, 2011

April post 4. Cloning

Through out the years scientists have become closer and closer to cloning a human.  Animals such as sheep have already been cloned by scientific methods.  i do not believe that this is right.  We as humans should not play the role of God by creating new life forms such as humans and animals.  This is also a reason why i do not support stem cell research.  Also the tax money that goes to these projects is a waste when we could be using it to find ways to lower gas prices.  That seems like a much bigger need right now in society with prices up to 4 dollars a gallon.

April post 3. Osama Bin Laden's death.

Recently Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al quieda was killed in a strategic hit (possibly assassination squad) by US Navy Seals.  This operation marks a devastating hit for the terrorist organization which is a great thing.  Many people have been celebrating Osama's death with parties and riots.  I do not believe this is a good thing, God created all men in his image and he still wants no one to go to hell.  If we are celebrating one mans death how much greater does that make us compared to him?  The Bible says that we are to not rejoice when our enemy is killed.  There is actually a verse to quote that! So do not rejoice that he is dead, although the world may be a better place now that he is.

April post 2. Sex before marriage.

As a Christian my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  I firmly believe that one should stay a virgin and save him/herself for their spouse when they get married.  When two are married they are united as one and share every intimate moment and every secret with each other.  This is how it should be if you are a Christian.  Save yourself for your spouse and your relationship will be so much better.

April post 1. Abortion

Abortion is a very commonly practiced medical procedure or pill that will kill an unborn child.  I personally do not agree with Abortion by any means as a Christian. Abortion kills over 1 million babies each year.  These unborn babies never even had a chance in living when they are aborted.  As a Christian, the Bible says "Do not murder."  This is one of the ten commandments that God gave to Moses on the mountain thousands of years ago. Abortion is flat out murder and should be made illegal!